ARES Plugin — How to have allure report with actual info about device

Sergei Khramkov
3 min readJun 29, 2021


Sometimes we need to have a way to pull allure results with up-to-date information about the device on which the test was performed. We have some ways to have it -for example is to pull files manually with adb command each time from all connected devices(but in this case you will not have info about device info in report). Or you can have marathon results, where marathon-allure-results have only basic info + device-allure-results with other needed information.
You have a way out — the ARES plugin.

What is it — ARES plugin?

ARES is an Android report sync plugin that currently comes in two flavors.

Basic ARES plugin have two tasks: reportSync and reportGen. The first one is necessary to get allure-results from the list of connected devices(enrichBy = CLEAN_ALLURE) or from marathon report(enrichBy = MARATHON). The second — is for automatic allureReport generation.
ARES Execution plugin have four tasks — reportSync, reportGen, runTestsWReportSync and runTestsWReportGen. The last two are need to execute tests with executeBy variant + automatic reportSync or reportGen.

How to start?

Add maven central repo

repositories {

Add ARES plugin(basic)

implementation 'io.github.sergkhram:ares-plugin:1.2.1-RELEASE'

Or ARES execution plugin

implementation 'io.github.sergkhram:ares-exec-plugin:1.2.1-RELEASE'

Apply plugin

plugins {
id 'io.github.sergkhram.aresPlugin'
plugins {
id 'io.github.sergkhram.aresExecPlugin'

IMPORTANT: You need to have gradle version ≥ 6.8

What we have as the result?

Allure Report if we just pull allure-results from device:

Host is always “localhost”
Test result without info about device
No info about environment

Allure report with ARES plugin with enrichBy variant = CLEAN_ALLURE

Device serials as the hosts
Device info: Model, OS Version, Device Serial

Allure report with ARES plugin with enrichBy variant = MARATHON (if you use marathon orchestrator)

Device serials as the hosts
Video if the test fails + Device info: Model, OS Version, Device Serial
Environment info with all marathon options



Sergei Khramkov
Sergei Khramkov

Written by Sergei Khramkov


QA Automation Engineer

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